Familynet is a wonderful tool

5 March 2021

Kim Peeters is an activity supervisor at care home Klein Waelwick in Ewijk (The Netherlands) and shares her experience with the use of Familynet.

Kim Peeters

Kim Peeters

“We have been using Familynet for small-scale living for almost two years now. As soon as we heard about it, we were already enthusiastic and this has actually stayed that way all this time, if not more! We enjoy using Familynet on a daily basis; a great way to inform family members of our residents about our activity program and how their father / mother / partner spend their day.

We also use Familynet to keep them informed of specifics, such as external activities that are held in the nearest church, or ask to participate in the client council, or about vaccinations. We notice that a lot of family uses Familynet. We see this in the replies under the photos in which family indicates that they enjoy the happiness of their family member and we also get back in conversations that they really look at the activity planning and organize their visits based on it.

In short: we will be using Familynet for a long time to come! ☺”

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